So, I've been trying to find the time to put some new stuff up on my Zazzle site. I really want to put up some shoe designs -- they've got different styles of Keds that I can use, but I just can't seem to get around to doing it. I'm motoring through my January To Do List (a good thing, seeing as January is almost over!), but there's still a couple of things on there that I haven't got done. The shoes for one, and cleaning up and organizing the home office. That last one always seems to generate the least amount of motivation, no matter how much the clutter is driving me nuts.
And so I procrastinate by updating the blog, and lurking around assorted online forums. ;-)
I did, however get a new design up in the Cafepress store. This one is inspired by my husband and son... when the baby won't nap, I tend to get cranky and my husband will look at the baby and say "Uh-oh...Mommy needs a nap!" I figured it would make a good t-shirt.
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