Sunday, February 01, 2009

New products in Zazzle store

Well, finally got around to adding some shoe designs to the Zazzle store. I'm quite happy with the way they turned out... they're really kind of cool. Will definitely be adding some more in the near future. Also in the works are some new keychains and stickers for the Zazzle store, and a new section for the CP store. Plus, I've noticed a few broken images in the CP site, so have to fix those up, too. Hopefully all of that will get done this week.

Also hoping that my AC articles will get published in the next day or two. On this week's to do list is another article to write for AC, and some new items for the Etsy store, as well. It's going to be a busy week!

On a side note, I think I may be getting addicted to Facebook. I may have to institute some sort of system whereby I have to work for an hour, or get a particular thing done, and then I can spend 10 minutes playing on facebook, otherwise I'm just going to waste way too much time!

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